Saturday, February 29, 2020

Issues in Human Sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Issues in Human Sexuality - Essay Example And this depression is exclusive to women, so the article says. â€Å"However, depression scores between females who used to condoms and those who did not engage in sexual intercourse were not significantly different.† I think this last statement is significant. This makes us come to the conclusion that those to who took part in an act of coitus and those who did not are liable to be in a state of depression. If a woman is prone to depression, she can very well be depressed as well as not whether having coitus or not. And in the latter case the question of the antidepressant effects of semen does not arise at all. But most of the studies on the subject points out to the view that semen does act an anti depressant. It is found that â€Å"seminal plasma testosterone, estrogen, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, prolactin and a number of different prostaglandins.† Many of these compounds are absorbed through the vagina. These postulates were tested methodically at The State University of New York at Albany. The volunteers were from those who attended the upper division undergraduate courses. One could safely state that these were at a stage when they were at the height of sexual activity. The tests produced results that in a large measure agreed with the hypothesis that semen has antidepressant properties in females after sexual intercourse. It was conducted in terms of Beck Depression Inventory or BDI as is popularly known. It is a widely used measure of individual differences in depressive symptoms. But like most tests it did not produce results that conclusively prove the hypothesis. But the deviations that were apparent were not of any great proportions.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Discussion Forum #7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion Forum #7 - Essay Example The first changes yield the most warming but subsequently produce lesser warming. Coupling the increased carbon dioxide emissions and the lesser and lesser warming resulting from more and more carbon dioxide emissions, it would be reasonable to consider the future warming projections as a straight line (Michaels, 2009). Therefore, once climate warming by humans starts, it occurs at a constant rate. Indeed, BBC (2013) reports on data from balloon radiosondes and satellite that support this finding. According to these records, since 1998, there has been no discernible warming. Michaels further argues that the observed rates of warming are below the average of climate models and that the assumptions by pro-global warming activists could not be true. Climate models postulate a greater increase in the degree of warming with a rise in the concentration of greenhouse gases than experienced at the surface (Michaels, 2010). Supportive evidence from BBC (2013) indicates that these models have not been able to model all the involved processes even after many years of development. Water vapor distribution, influence of clouds and plants’ response to changes in water supply are among some of these models not captured. Thus, the models are unreliable. Michaels (2009) also observes that contrary to expectations, the carbon dioxide greenhouse warming effect at Antarctic has exhibited just a slight temperature increase since the measurements in the 1950s and 1960s. In fact, the International Geophysical Year observed that the Antarctic temperatures exhibited a warming trend from 1957 to mid-1960s, with subsequent studies thereafter indicating cooling or no change. This erroneous data has been supported by BBC (2013) and Pittock (2009) who observe that the atmosphere does not behave as predicted by the models. The predictions of computer models

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Program Evaluation - Module 4 - SLP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Program Evaluation - Module 4 - SLP - Coursework Example For appropriate delivery of health nursing program to the community, the following methods are necessary depending on the situation and the environment that the program undergoes. Some of the main methods include goal-based evaluation method, outcome evaluation method and process evaluation method. However, for such a nursing health program, outcome evaluation is preferred because it would help in identifying the results to be achieved by the end of the program and the level at, which the desired outcomes can be achieved (McNamara Para 4). As such, inclusive result entails the following steps as best implemented throughout the whole program evaluation process (Deniston et al. Para 16). The first step involves engaging all the stakeholders within the practice area as it would greatly help to avoid rigidity at any level of the evaluation process. The second step is to describe the program to all the participants so that everyone of them get familiarized with the concept concerning the course of action that is supposed to be taken while relaying a lot of focus on the evaluation design. After such a focus then the evidences gotten are taken to the next step to justify the conclusions. Finally, the lesson leant is further disseminated to all the participants concerned. It becomes easier for a program manager to discover that following a proper program evaluation process is a direct leeway towards the achievement of such a program. McNamara, Carter. Authenticity Consulting, Designing Your Program Evaluation Plans. Online integrated library for personal and professional development. Compliance & Ethics Institute Chicago - September 14- 17,